Monday, November 28, 2016


I had 4 days off during Thanksgiving Break.  Nothing at all to do except play with the kids, go to the gym, eat, repeat. 

Then comes Sunday night.  

Wife calls me and says "the Prius won't start". Prius primer: most relIable car I've ever owned.  Ever.  So I go home and after a couple hours of reading about the symptoms, realize it's the battery so I get my dads charger.  That's that.   

Then comes Monday night. 

Kitchen drain clogs AGAIN.  First time was two months ago. 'Somebody' shoved too many cucumber peelings down the drain. 

Fast forward to tonight. 

I get home from work at 8:30, and for 'no apparent reason' the drain clogs as soon as I start the dish washer.  2 hours later I'm waiting for round #2 of Drano Max to work it's magic.  

This is what I get for taking a day off.