Sunday, July 16, 2017

Full Steam Ahead

Thanks to all of our members who attended the WIMBLEDON PARTY ! It was a blast - and the winners of the two tickets to the Western Southern Open are Bruce and Pam Hardy !!! Congratulations and have fun ! 

Our courts handled the excessive rain very well and we will be FULL STEAM AHEAD all week.  Come out and enjoy the weather.   

Also congratulations to ROGER FEDERER for winning his 8th WIMBLEDON title and his 19th GRANDSLAM SINGLES TITLE.   

It makes Roger 1-0 at the GRANDSLAMS since I got my new license plates.  Maybe it's good luck for Roger eh ? 


As I open my courier each morning this week, I’m hoping that I read that our city’s leaders have been helping our citizens clean-up from the mess the flooding has once again caused.  I know what you’re thinking.  It’s not fair we blame people for an act of God, but wouldn’t it appear better if they weren’t in public over the weekend socializing over cocktails and playing golf?  We should all feel so fortunate that we live in a town that has no drug problems, no crime, no jail over-populations issues or a homeless problem.  Yes.  I'm being sarcastic. These elected leaders need to show their faces during the bad times and not just the good.

And why were 25 trees cut down in the middle of our business district?  Please don’t tell me it was done to make room for the #&%@?@& BUMPOUTS !!!

What a Weekend !!

Quite a variety of events this weekend that directly effected my family.  Some good, some sad.

Friday - Flood

Saturday am - William's swim meet 

Saturday midday - finals of Toledo Tourney

Saturday pm  - Wimbledon Party

Sunday am - Wimbledon Champ