Thursday, September 29, 2016


Ok so I like McDonald's Sweet Tea.

A lot.

Not a big fan of their food, but the Sweet Tea is TO DIE FOR.

So the other day I pull in to get William three (3) chocolate Chip cookies and a sweet tea before I pick him up from school.  Yes, I got my self a sweet tea as well.  The drive-thru line was mega long (as usual) so I decide to go inside and get my order to go.  Of course, there is NO ONE IN LINE AT ALL,  so I think 'great' this wont take long at all......

As I walk around corner of the entrance there's a cute little girl standing very attentively behind the register with a HUGE smile on her face and she says 'welcome to mcdonald's can I help you?"  In which I reply 'why yes you can, I'd like three (3) chocolate chip cookies and two (2) sweet teas to go. 

She stares at her screen and pushes a few buttons before she says to me, 'ok so that will be 16 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES and 2 SWEET TEAS? '

Image result for look of shock So right after I stopped choking on my own vomit I kindly corrected her and then came the aggrivating part of this wonderful venture inside McDonald's.

She doesn't know how to reverse the incorrect entry on her register.
Image result for look of shock

 After she twiddled around for a couple minutes (seemed like 10), she called over this cute little lady, probably 80-85 years old, who attempted to quickly solve the problem.


Image result for look of shock

Then after the old lady used every fucking JEDI MIND TRICK SHE KNEW to get the order cancelled she realized that the register somehow won't work unless there is RECEIPT TAPE IN THE REGISTER.

So after 10 minutes of watching every car in Findlay come through the drive-thru I received my order and barely got to school in time to pick up my kid. 

He loved his cookies and sweet tea


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Evolution of Emma

We obviously own these and hundreds of other photos of Emma, but this was the first time we ever put a few of them side-by-side in chronological order. It was one of the first times I've ever been happy, proud, sad at the same time.  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sunday Ride

Today Kate and I rode in the Hancock Handlebars Bike Ride.  We chose the easy 20-mile route.  Rode through southwest Hancock County with a stop at the Intersection of Hancock 45 & 70 for a light snack with fellow riders.  We had great weather and met a lot of nice people too !

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fun at the County Fair

Carissa took William to the Hancock County Fair on Saturday.  He had a great time riding all the dangerous, un-tested rides, eating the rotten food, petting the oft-diseased animals.  

Friday, September 2, 2016

Getting the Most of Great Weather

IWhile we were painting the house, William was exploring in your back yard and enjoying beautiful weather.