Sunday, June 26, 2016

Shiny Happy People

Carissa is in Eugene this week visiting her sister Chantelle.  First chance to see her new baby niece Evie.  

Sunday, June 19, 2016

I Can't Believe It. I Just Can't Believe It.

And here's the text messages that my pal Mark Kuhnle and I shared.......

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Date Night

Some of our favorite memories were made here at Wilson's.  Sitting on the stools, looking out the windows as we ate our food after a night on the town.   18-years, 3 houses, and 2-children later, we had a great date night tonight, ending once again here at Wilson's.  
Sometimes life is best when kept simple.  

Friday, June 17, 2016

Team Rode

Nephews Aiden and Greyson Rode came to my kids tennis lesson at FCC today.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week at the Lake

Some photos from the week that the wife and kids are spending at the Kosch Compound. I get to stay home and work.  

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Twos New Courts

Congratulations to the Delp Family for renewing even more tennis courts at Twos.   

Memorial Day Meat

After spending $200 dollars and 45 minutes making my grill all new again, it worked like a charm as I cooked all this for a party at our house on Sunday.