Friday, June 26, 2015

Landmark Supreme Court Decision

Just minutes ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage be allowed in all 50 states. 

In my opinion, it is a fundamental right of all American citizens to marry. As the 14th Amendment states, all Americans have the right to fair and equal protection under the U.S. Constitution.  

God Bless the U.S.  ☀️☀️☀️

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Haircut Day for the Kids

Took both kids to Journey today for haircuts.  

Monday, June 22, 2015

2nd Goal

Scored my second goal of the season tonight.  2nd goal in two weeks.  I can't be stopped!!!!  Final game of the season tomorrow 8:15 at The Cube.   ESPN will be there. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Two Best Hockey Players I Know

As many of you know, my time spent in the game of hockey goes back only to February, but I owe all of my knowledge to Carissa Russell. She was taught by her father, Wayne. How can I go wrong if I have two Canadiens teaching me the game and one of them is named Wayne!?!? 

Dad's Day

Happy Father's Day to all those guys who have had the immeasurable pleasure of raising a child.  While the challenges may never end, the rewards of seeing your kids grow up makes it all worth it. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

First Career Goal !!!

Scored my first career goal at my Monday hockey game vs Team Leadshed. Special thanks goes out to Tyler, the 105 lb 11-year old who passed me the puck that he could have shot himself.  #teamplayer. Oh wait, this isn't Twitter. Way better. #ihatetwitter

Thursday, June 18, 2015


First sunset that hasn't included rain, thunder and Lightning in what seems like 3 weeks!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Dog the Missile

So I was letting my dog in tonight and it was dark outside so I couldn't see where she was but I heard her running toward the back patio screen door.  

I guess it was dark for her too because she collided with the screen door at FULL SPEED. I'm talkin' 30mph FULL SPEED. 

Don't worry PETA freaks, Susie the Dog is fine, but here's the door......

My Canadian Friends

Carissa and Melissa in Montreal (sounds like a B Movie) during Women's World Cup. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Fond Memories

Coming to Lima for me is bittersweet, but one of the fond memories is eating at Kewpee. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

My Wife the Work Horse

This time of the year I LIVE at work. Thus, there is an extra load of stuff that gets piled on my wife. None-the-less, some mountains she chooses to climb are optional, like Wednesday when she bought 4 CUBIC YARDS OF MULCH. MY GOD !!! Do you know how much mulch that is !?!?!? Apparently she did, because she has already spread most of it and there won't be any extra. 

You have to admit, it looks great. Good job babe ! Xoxoxo

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Hawks take Game One !!

I cant stand Steven Stamkos. I'm not even sure how to spell that girl's name, but I know one thing for sure, the Hawks will never lose The Stanley Cup to him. 

Hawks are up 1-0 thanks to tonight's 2-1 win. 

Game 2 Friday in Tampa.......